If you have any concerns about the health of your heart, always speak to your doctor.
If you haven't heard of Bryan Johnson, he's typically known as the biohacker trying to live forever. The human race isn't designed to live forever, and aside from trying to defy nature, Johnson's controversial methods have caused him to grab headlines. From freezing his body to measuring his son's erections, Bryan Johnson is nothing if not controversial. Some have called out his entire schtick, but there are some genuine hacks that Johnson is giving away for free.
You can follow his diet for free using the Blueprint Protocol site, but that's not all Johnson gives you for nothing. On his YouTube channel, Johnson has revealed a two-minute test where you can check your heart health.

Discussing heart rate recovery, Johnson explains how you can do the test for yourselves to check your general heart health. The basic idea is to undertake some vigorous exercise and measure your heart rate, then rest and take it again after a minute. For example, if your heart rate is 160 beats per minute when exercising and goes down to 130 bpm after a minute, it's a good indicator of your cardiovascular and heart health.
Jonhson himself claims he's in the 99th percentile of the general public in terms of heart rate recovery, while he's also in the top 75% of elite athletes.
He says you want a high HRR because a slow one could be an indication of worrying things to come, including coronary artery disease, heart failure, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and sleep apnea.
A recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine looked at 2,000 participants, noting that those with a low HRR had a 400% higher mortality rate.
To work out your HRR, simply use a heart rate monitor (most smartwatches include them these days) and record your heart rate. Rest for a minute and then take it again. Subtract the two numbers and you'll get your HRR, with Johnson's being an impressive 37.
If you're trying to improve your HRR, the easy one is to exercise more regularly. Johnson suggests 150 minutes of exercise per week, with 75 of those minutes being classed as 'vigorous'. He says that moderate should be classed as still being able to hold a conversation when working out, while vigorous means you shouldn't be able to converse.
Diet is also a contributing factor to HRR, as Johnson suggests increasing your fiber and protein intake can also improve heart health.
He obviously advises against smoking/vaping, junk food, and alcohol, while having at least seven hours of 'good' sleep. Johnson also has a video on sleep health, explaining how he became the 'perfect' sleeper.
Even for those who remain unconvinced by Johnson and his methods, you've got to admit he looks completely different from before he started this process. Then again, when you're spending $2 million a year on your quest to live forever, we'd imagine it's pretty easy to change the way you look.