Logan Paul does what we've all been hoping for and asks biohacker Bryan Johnson the one question we really want to know the answer to, as the millionaire attempts to avoid death through bizarre medical procedures.
If you've been on social media at all in the past couple of years then you've likely heard of or seen infamous biohacker Bryan Johnson. The former CEO of brain activity company Kernel has been using his millions in the past few years in an attempt to 'cheat death' through experimental anti-aging measures.

Known as 'Project Blueprint', Johnson began the process by using his own son's plasma in blood transfusions alongside strict dietary and lifestyle regimes, and he has received both attention and criticism for his measures.
Health experts have challenged his methods and claimed that the process is 'harmful' for the body, while social media has perhaps cruelly suggested that he looked 'better' before the $2,000,000-per-year process began.
That hasn't stopped him from promoting his efforts though, and his latest stop is on Logal Paul's 'Impaulsive' podcast where the host asks him the one question we've all got on our lips.
Despite liking Bryan and his near-endless enthusiasm, Paul opens the interview by declaring that he's 'not going to take it easy' on the biohacker, and will land him with the 'hard-hitting questions'.
The first of which is simple, yet effective: "Are you a vampire?" Paul asks straight-up, and Johnson only has a word-word response: "Yes."
Of course, he's being facetious, but there is perhaps a little truth in what Johnson jokingly claims.
He goes on to state: "My internal body temperature is 93.4⁰F, I'm 5 degrees lower than 98.7," which is, of course, the natural body temperature of humans.
Johnson explains that this is due to the fact that animals with a lower body temperature or lower metabolic rates tend to live for longer, and thus he might be likely to replicate the same in a human's body too.
"We know this," Johnson explains, "colder things typically do better, there are some exceptions where dolphins run a little hotter, but generally speaking the combination of having no inflammation in my body, being on caloric restriction, a very pristine diet, my body temp has dropped 5 degrees, it's pretty stunning."
Paul continues to call Johnson's lifestyle 'extreme', but we're yet to see whether all this work will truly result in a longer lifespan and perhaps even cheat death altogether.