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Explorer discovers mind-boggling symbols and 'alien' rocks in uncharted dessert
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Explorer discovers mind-boggling symbols and 'alien' rocks in uncharted dessert

He couldn't believe what he saw in the labyrinth of canyons.

An adventure seeker who loves exploring uncharted territory has unearthed a puzzling mystery after finding a canyon on Google Earth.

Deciding to investigate for himself, YouTuber Nolan Fisher, who runs The POV Channel, set off into the maze but no one could have predicted just what he’d find as he dug deeper into the mystery.

In the description of his video, Fisher wrote: “Etched into the side of a canyon, I discover symbols that look modern, but show signs of extensive erosion.

“As I went deeper into this strange labyrinth of canyons, I uncover more clues as to what I might have found. And at the very end, something colossal.”

Documenting his steps on his YouTube channel, Fisher was shocked when he found something unbelievably strange.

He stumbled upon unexplained carvings in rocks, which looked like they had been drawn by humans.

The carvings, known as petroglyphs, could be a window into the past and Fisher speculated that these might be hundreds of years old.

Traipsing further through the landscape with his dog, Toohey, Fisher found more bizarre patterns in the rocks, this time they looked like waves.

“It was these symbols that seemed to repeat themselves and a faded pattern in the rock that lies somewhere between natural and artificial, modern and ancient, and has left me with unanswered questions to this day,” said Fisher.

The carvings could have been there for hundreds of years (The POV Channel/YouTube)
The carvings could have been there for hundreds of years (The POV Channel/YouTube)

“A human lifespan is a blink of an eye in the geologic time span but that provides us with an amazing opportunity to study a frozen moment in time that may be more bizarre than we could ever imagine.”

After the mind-boggling video went live, the YouTuber took to Instagram to respond to the interesting theories viewers had offered as to what the symbols could be.

Fisher commented how suggestions ranged from “a treasure map, a location guide, Spanish trail symbols, or the lead singer of the Doors, Jim Morrison’s personal artwork”.

The unexplained waves in the rocks follow a pattern (The POV Channel/YouTube)
The unexplained waves in the rocks follow a pattern (The POV Channel/YouTube)

One viewer another theory, saying: “Those wavy lined rocks are petrified corals. They were under water. As was that entire landscape millions of years ago. A lot of those narrow passages were likely formed under water by underwater currents as well.”

Meanwhile, another commented: “Seems to me and I'm no expert but I think you were walking on the seafloor . The ‘waves’ on the rocks look like sea worm tracks I've seen on the seafloor made on the sandy sea bottom. The ‘bubble rocks’ look like coral. The grove rocks look like petrified sponges”

Whatever they are, they are a fascinating find!

Featured Image Credit: The POV Channel / YouTube