Ever since its debut at CES 2024, the Apple Vision Pro has had Apple fans on the edge of their seats awaiting its arrival.
But it wasn't until a user demonstrated the night vision mode on the Vision Pro that the excitement reached a whole new level.
If you're been out of the tech loop, the Vision Pro is a headset worn over the eyes, offering users an immersive 'augmented reality' experience. Users are able to observe a blend of digital content with their physical space.
One user surya - under the handle @sdand - posted his night vision clip with his Apple Vision Pro on X with the caption: 'night vision with the apple vision pro, no cameras needed'.

Although it doesn't quite match the accuracy of something out of a Tom Clancy game, it does look pretty cool.
The video shows the Apple user walking through the streets outside. Objects like cars and steps become quite difficult to make out but it looks good as a simulation.
You can make out different colours of the grids in the user's field of view.
Fans are going crazy over the feature, asking whether it's a developer mode or a certain app that allows it.
Others are in awe of the Vision Pro's 'spatial understanding'.
'It has night vision?! Dang,' one user commented.
Another enthusiast wrote: 'I've seen more amazing sh*t in the past week than I have in the past 5 years outside of AI. We are so back.'
One user saw the potential of The Matrix in the making, replying: 'Someone is going to (or maybe there already is one) write a VisionOS app that animates text characters dropping on the mash.

'Then you can really be in The Matrix. All the "get out of The Matrix" guru gonna be so p*ssed.'
Apple launched the Vision Pro on February 2nd, it's currently available at a price of $3,499 (£2,763).
The Vision Pro has already been hitting the headlines since its release including transport secretaries raising eyebrows at drivers wearing the headset behind the wheel.
Researchers have been impressed by the technology's capabilities of editing and deleting surroundings.
One study author wrote: 'These headsets can not only add things to the real world, they can also delete them.'
People have also been trying similar things on the Meta Quest headset, with some Reddit users experiencing night vision.