A man has built his very own x-ray machine after he received a hospital bill for $69,210.32.
The man in question is William Osman, who took it upon himself to build his own x-ray after being shocked by his medical debt.
In a video uploaded to YouTube, Osman revealed that he would need to “start selling all my stuff to pay this medical bill”.
The YouTuber put his engineering degree into practice by building his own medical equipment.
Osman told viewers that he wanted to “prove that 69,000 is insane. I could build my own medical equipment for way cheaper than that”.
Osman purchased a sixty thousand volt power supply from eBay for $400. For a further $155, he bought an x-ray vacuum tube.

Talking to the camera, he joked: “You are probably thinking, ‘William, you're not nearly responsible or smart enough to be playing with high voltage’, well I say to you - I have health insurance and my will to do science is significantly stronger than my will to live.”
Osman filmed himself putting together the “most dangerous contraption” he’s ever built, DIYed with cans of beans and leaded glass.
He added: “Welcome to the world of high voltage where everything's a wire and you're probably gonna die.”

Testing out his homemade x-ray, Osman was successful in scanning his hand.
He said: “I bet you could leave urgent care with a bill about the same price as I built this machine for.
“I’m not gonna get all political because I think everyone should build their own hospital in their garage. The price is right, I don't see why we can't just build our own equipment.
“How hard is it to find a broken bone and an x-ray? I think it's pretty easy.”

Osman’s viewers were pretty impressed with his DIY x-ray machine.
Taking to the YouTube comment section to share their thoughts, one user wrote: “Imagine breaking a bone and going to the doctor and they’re like we’re gonna need to do an x-ray and you say, ‘Oh no I brought my own’.”
A second said: “It’s just so wildly inspiring how smart you are to throw together s*** and make something like that with stuff you buy off of eBay and Craigslist and stuff you pull apart.”
A third had an interesting business idea, adding: “Wow! If you make production volume numbers you could sell x-ray machines for $50 to every household!”