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Man buys box of Amazon returns to see how much profit he could make and instantly regretted it

Man buys box of Amazon returns to see how much profit he could make and instantly regretted it

The YouTuber dropped $340 in the hopes of making a lot more

A man has bought a box of Amazon returns to find out how much profit he could make.

And spoiler alert, he instantly regretted the purchase.

YouTuber Danny Gonzalez unpacked his mystery box on camera for his 6.82 million subscribers.

Videoing himself in a warehouse, he purchased the box for $340 in the hopes that whatever was hiding inside would be worth a lot more.

Back home, the first time that Danny pulled from the box was a tent without its outer cover.

“I like that if it's a clear night you can see the stars from inside your tent,” the YouTuber joked.

Next up was a pet gate followed by a broken coffee machine and a car vacuum.

Danny also unboxed two rugs, a pet carrier, a frying pan and even more tents.

He continued: “My hope that we might find some cool mysterious rare item started to fade, people aren't constantly ordering cool dudads on Amazon and then returning them as we came to find out.

“Life is mundane and so was a lot of the stuff in this box until we found this cool bird feeder.”

Calculating the worth of the items, the YouTuber estimated that it had a maximum profit potential of $1,350.

The YouTuber bought a mystery box of Amazon returns (YouTube/@Danny-Gonzalez)
The YouTuber bought a mystery box of Amazon returns (YouTube/@Danny-Gonzalez)

So, Danny got to work reselling the items, with the remaining few available in a yard sale.

However, it wasn’t quite the lucrative venture that he had initially thought.

The YouTuber made just $23 in profit - a far cry from what he had predicted.

Viewers took to the YouTube comment section to share their reactions to the failed attempt.

One user wrote: “Imagine buying a rug off Facebook Marketplace and meeting the seller in a parking lot then seeing Danny Gonzalez show up.”

Another said: “Danny, the fact that you disappeared off YouTube for a month to make a video on selling broken toy leaf trimmers is why you’re such an icon.”

A third person commented: “I considered doing this at one point. Thanks for completely killing my desire to ever take part in return pallet buying.”

A fourth wrote: “This video is such a masterpiece. The opening hubris, the slow creeping reality of failure throughout- the way the box sickened you in both body and spirit- it was all hilarious.”


Featured Image Credit: NA FASSBENDER/AFP via Getty Images/YouTube/@Danny-Gonzalez