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AI predicts what every country will look like in year 5000

AI predicts what every country will look like in year 5000

The world is going to look very different in the future

AI predictions now span everything from technology, what we write and say. Now, it can even give us a sneak peek at what the world could look like in the year 5000.

The imaginative images shared by the YouTube channel AI Imaginary World, have depicted what various countries could look like in the future - and let's just say it's a world away from what we can see right now...


Gone is the quirky dance music capital and instead, Belgium has take on a Disney castle style appearance that sees the country look like it could be home to Cinderella.

Belgium looks like the next Disney Princess movie.
YouTube/AI Imaginary World


Finland on the other hand has gone,'s gone very futuristic. Covered with skyscrapers, hovering aircrafts and tube style travelators that look like they belong on Futurama, Finland is definitely one of the most modern looking countries in the year 5000.

Finland has swapped cars for spaceships.
YouTube/AI Imaginary World


Italy's Amalfi coast appears to have gotten an upgrade with the buildings now towering ever higher than before. The AI generated image has also made this country appear somewhat medieval?

Italy is all piled up.
YouTube/AI Imaginary World

United Kingdom

Is it just me or does the UK look like it's been left looking grey and dreary compared to the rest? The London Bridge and skyscrapers look like they're having the typically poor weather we're used to.

The only real huge change in over 3000 years is the new double decker style glass pods that seem to be the new Underground tube system - and then more skyscrapers.

Not much has changed for England.
YouTube/AI Imaginary World


The pyramids are no more it appears for Egypt in the year 5000, as the country now appears to be home to more of a sci-fi style landscape with spaceship style pods and an ominous looking city tower.

Anyone know where that planet's come from?
YouTube/AI Imaginary World


The China of today's world is a busy hub of commuters and constantly on the go, yet in this AI picture it appears calm and serene with its blue skies and purple tinged light.

The busy skyline of city towers appears uninterrupted by traffic though, so maybe there are light speed vehicles or spaceships for getting from home to work instead?

China is definitely one of the less chaotic countries.
YouTube/AI Imaginary World


The land down under has certainly advanced in the next 3000 years if this AI image is anything to go by. It seems to really embrace its nickname by turning things upside down in the year 5000, creating a world where it is somehow both dark and light at the same time, and where vehicles can fly to get from one place to another.

How is it both night and day?
YouTube/AI Imaginary World

United States

This was always going to be a biggie, wasn't it?

Vegas has got a new image and it's like it's been coloured in by Crayola, and that's putting it lightly.

There are at least two Statue of Liberty-style buildings visible, as well as an Eiffel Tower-like structure, which towers over literally every other building in the area.

This has America written all over it.
YouTube/AI Imaginary World

Unfortunately, we won't be around to see how accurate the AI is with its predictions, but we can at least see how the world develops over the next few decades.

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/AI Imaginary World