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Man makes secret iPad screen that's only visible to him and people are amazed

Man makes secret iPad screen that's only visible to him and people are amazed

This might just be the ultimate privacy mod

An Apple iPad user created a screen that only he could see and people are absolutely amazed.

YouTuber Hugh Jeffreys designed a 'secret iPad screen' that was only visible to him.

He picked up an iPad Mini 2 but he did mention that his method would work with 'any iPad that doesn't have the front glass glued to the LCD screen.'

To begin, Hugh powered off the iPad and placed it on a heat plate to heat up the front glass for a few minutes.

"After which, I can begin prying up the glass," Hugh described.

Using a metal tool (though not recommended), Hugh carefully pried off the screen glass to realise that it wasn't the original Apple glass and was in fact, a replacement. The tech expert then peels away the polarising filter 'which is glued to the top layer of the iPad.'

Hugh added: "This modification has been done before on computer monitors but I couldn't find any evidence that someone's done this to an iPad."

He chipped away layers of adhesives above the glass screen to create a cleaner look.

"It was so fragile, my fingernail had chipped it in several places," he added.

"Wanting to get the screen looking as good as possible, I went about removing both layers."

After cleaning things up, Hugh placed the filter over the glass to test it. And it seemed to work, the screen remained visible only through the filter.

The YouTuber also replaced the battery and fixed the broken touchscreen to fully restore the device before proceeding.

To complete the project, he purchased some 'polarised sunglasses'.

According to Hugh: "These will make up for the film we removed meaning while wearing the glasses we'll be able to see the screen.

kupicoo / Getty
kupicoo / Getty

"Polarising film is directional so some sunglasses might not work meaning you'd have to resort to making your own."

And just like that, Hugh had designed an iPad screen only viewable with special sunglasses.

The video went viral reaching over 6.6 million views in just a year and it's a pretty genius idea to avoid peering eyes on the train or in public.

"This has to be the coolest modification I've done to a device so far," Hugh remarked.

Impressed people praised the modification in the YouTube comments.

"imagine you see someone laughing on a white screen beside you," one viewer joked.

"its cool and all but what happens if you LOSE the glasses?" another asked.

"A decade ago something like this would seem like magic.. And to me it still does even in modern day," someone else commented.

Featured Image Credit: Hugh Jeffreys/YouTube