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First wireless charging road in US unveiled in Detroit

First wireless charging road in US unveiled in Detroit

A wireless charging road has been introduced in Detroit, US, that can charge electric vehicles on the go.

A US city's technology could provide a glimpse into the future of how we get around.

Below the surface of 14th Street near Michigan Central in Corktown, Detroit, specialised coils have been laid down to charge electric vehicles (EVs) that drive across it, without stopping.

Stretching just a quarter of a mile, the road is currently the first wireless charging roadway in the US nation.

'This could be the future of our roads across the country,' said one reporter.

It works pretty cool too.

Destroit has installed a quarter-mile road that can charge EVs / Click On Detroit | Local 4 | WDIV / YouTube
Destroit has installed a quarter-mile road that can charge EVs / Click On Detroit | Local 4 | WDIV / YouTube

Under the road surface are 'inductive charging coils that can charge electric vehicles, making this the first wireless charging road in the nation.'

A secondary receiver is attached to the bottom of the vehicle before being connected to its battery. When the vehicle drives over the coils on the road surface, it'll power its battery unit directly.

Pointing to the white dots on the road, the reporter explained they 'represent the charging coils'.

'So, when you're driving over the white dot, you will be charging.'

Electreon, the company behind the technology, is optimistic about scaling in the US.

'It's an amazing step forward. So if you think about well it's just a quarter mile of road, what we'll learn from that is what's going to allow expansion of that,' one company official stated.

Electreon officials have mentioned that this innovation is still a couple of years away from becoming mainstream. The scaling process not only involves the installation of the technology beneath the surface, but also the implementation of receivers onto EVs.

Coils under the road surface will attach to receivers on the EVs to charge the battery / Click On Detroit | Local 4 | WDIV / YouTube
Coils under the road surface will attach to receivers on the EVs to charge the battery / Click On Detroit | Local 4 | WDIV / YouTube

Furthermore, there's been little mention about the total cost of installation and maintenance for all of this.

There's also a challenge to keep the EV batteries small while expanding the amount of driving they can do without stopping.

Deputy Mayor Todd Bettison said: 'If it was easy, it would have already been done.'

Vice President of business development of Electreon said: 'Marking this initial step of this project with the next one being Michigan Avenue, we can begin today to pave the path for a sustainable, electrical mobility future of tomorrow.'

Some viewers on YouTube have been praising the new roadway innovation.

One commented: 'Way to Go Detroit!! I think, in the future, all freeways & highways & major blvds will have a charge lane.'

Another said: 'Way to go. Into the future!'

Others are questioning the practicality and investment behind it, asking: 'What’s the cost and who will pay for the electricity?'

Featured Image Credit: Click On Detroit | Local 4 | WDIV / YouTube