One YouTuber has taken up the 30 day water challenge, tasking themselves with doubling their H₂O intake for a month straight, and to their surprise it had a massive effect on their health and wellbeing over the period.
There are many things that we can do to increase our health, but often it takes building a habit in order to make a real difference.
While you often don't need to reach the extremes of running a 5k every single day, for example, doing something as 'boring' as simply drinking more water can cause one of the greatest increases to your wellbeing for relatively little effort.
That's indeed what YouTuber Scott Luu discovered when he tasked himself with drinking three liters of water for a month straight, which was an increase from the roughly one and a half that he usually drank, and he felt the effects almost immediately.
As expected, one of the biggest immediate changes that Scott experienced after doubling his water intake was, in his words, a "huge, huge, huge increase in peeing."
For science he actively tracked the amount of times he needed to pee every day, and after beginning the experiment it say his daily trips to the toilet increase from an average of six to an average of twelve to thirteen by the end of the thirty days.
Outside of urine, however, one of the biggest benefits gained was the removal of Scott's 'foggy' feeling in the mornings - especially after late night editing sessions.
He details: "I chug half a liter in the morning and it's like drinking clarity," going on to detail that he "can actually feel an immediate difference in energy and it's a bit freaky."
On top of this Scott experienced an overall increase to his energy levels which reduced the need for daily 20 minute naps that had become part of his routine before the challenge started.
Perhaps one intriguing side effect is that the benefits began to feel less 'immediate' after drinking the three liters became natural, and he wasn't feeling as much of a boost as he did at the start of the challenge. This is likely due to the fact that his base level of energy was higher due to the increased water intake though, as opposed to the effect 'wearing off' and reverting back to the state prior to the challenge.

Like most YouTube challenges with a positive outcome Scott has managed to inspire many others to try this out, and they've detailed their similarly positive experiences in the comments below.
"I can already see clear differences," explains one user after beginning the challenge themselves, "My skin is better, healthy, and glowing, my hair is healthy. I do feel productive, this also has me in good moods. My only disadvantage is going to the bathroom frequently for the first few days."
If the only consistent downside then seems to be an increase in peeing then we've all got very little to lose and potentially a lot to gain!