A CIA book prophesizing the end of the world has been declassified, and it explains in detail how a 'cataclysmic' event is close to reaching its '6,500-year cycle'.
Predictions are always fascinating as you've got mysterious individuals like Baba Vanga alluding to the future alongside eerily correct guesses from shows like The Simpsons.
Oftentimes these prophecies are centered around world-changing events like the assassination of public figures or global disasters, yet one recently declassified book from the CIA goes a step further by predicting the end of the world as we know it.
Authored by former US Air Force employee and UFO researcher Chan Thomas, 'The Adam and Eve Story' was for a long time prohibited from release by the CIA, with many alleging this was due to the widespread panic it could potentially cause, as reported by the Daily Mail.

"With a rumble so low as to be inaudible," the book's first chapter begins, "growing, throbbing, then fuming into a thundering roar, the earthquake stars... only it's not like any earthquake in recorded history."
What the book proposes is that the Earth is scheduled to receive world-altering events around every 6,500 years, and that the time since Noah's Ark from the Bible indicates that we're close to the next.
Beginning in California, the earthquake will stretch across the entire world until "the horrendous rampage is over," causing mass destructive and rapid climate change in a matter of days.

While it's easy to get wrapped up in the chaos of this prediction, scientists have assured us all that this is almost impossible.
When speaking to the Verge, NASA senior research scientist Martin Mlynczak explained that there is "no proof and no science and no physics behind any of the claims" made by Thomas.
"That is totally bogus," Mlynczak continues, "If that's what happened every 6,500 years, we would certainly see it; it would be in all the records."
Seems like we have little to really worry about then, although you can understand why some might be willing to get swept up in the extremes of the situation.
Part of Thomas' timeline might also fall through due to new discoveries surrounding Adam and Eve, as while the book hinges on their existence around 11,500 years ago, scientists suggest that they might have lived over 200,000 years ago instead.
What does hold truth between the lines of Thomas' prediction though is the likelihood that we're heading for a climate disaster in the near future, although it won't quite be to the world-ripping scale that he describes.