Giants might not just be for fairy tales and imagination anymore.
It seems they might've actually roamed the Earth, according to Archaeologists in Nevada, US who have discovered extraordinary human remains.
The story started back in 1911 when some miners went searching for bat droppings to use as fertiliser. In doing so, they came across some strange items in a cave close to Lovelock, Nevada.
Giant skeletons with distinctive red hair and measuring far larger than humans were uncovered - some reaching as far as 10 feet tall.

The interest led to two official excavations in 1912 and 1924, where thousands of artefacts were recovered.
The most fascinating uncovering was the mummies measuring 8 to 10 feet tall, so-called 'Lovelock Giants'.
Additionally, they found massive 15-inch-long sandals that were suggested to have been worn down from use, as well as a boulder with what looked to be a massive handprint engraved in it.
Furthermore, in 1931, the local newspaper, the Nevada Review-Miner, reported the findings of two giant skeletons in a dry lake bed near Lovelock. Again, they measured 8.5 and 10 feet and seemed to be mummified in a similar fashion to the Ancient Egyptians.
According to Paiute beliefs, an ancient tribe in Nevada, there’s a tale of red-haired giants known as the Si-Te-Cah who travelled from a distant island and made their way to the Americas thousands of years ago.
This tribe of mythical creatures had a reputation for cruelty and cannibalism.

But these ancient beliefs aren't just limited to Nevada.
A 16th-century Spanish explorer wrote that the towering beings 'came by sea in rafts of reeds [in] the manner of large boats' and that 'some of the men were so tall that from the knee down they were as big as the length of an ordinary fair-sized man.'
Even up in the Andes, between Peru and Bolivia, extended skulls have been discovered, way bigger than what you'd expect for a normal human skull.
As for the red hair, some experts believe it might be due to where they were buried, however others say it's solid proof of the Si-Te-Cah's existence.
Said to be around 3000 years old, archaeologists can't deny that these findings are unfolding a forgotten race of humans (or creatures) that once dominated southwestern America.
Giants feature in mythologies all around the world. The most commonly known is Greek mythology, where giants were the children of Uranus and Gaia, and they waged war on the gods in a battle known as the Gigantomachy.