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Elon Musk ‘sees the future’ in resurfaced 1998 interview

Elon Musk ‘sees the future’ in resurfaced 1998 interview

People are shocked that Elon Musk predicted the future of the internet in a resurfaced YouTube interview from 1998.

Known for his long term way of thinking, Elon Musk's ideas from over 20 years ago seem ahead of their time and are surprisingly accurate.

A recently resurfaced interview from 1998 has got people talking about the Tesla CEO's futuristic envisions.

One comment in particular in response to the recently surfaced YouTube video said: 'he saw the future 25 years ago, he sees the future for 2100 now.'

Viewers are agreeing with claims like: 'the fact his prediction was almost exactly spot on is crazy' and 'Smart guy, I'm sure he will be going places.'

Elon Musk said the internet will be the 'be-all and the end-all of all media.' / CBS Sunday Morning / YouTube
Elon Musk said the internet will be the 'be-all and the end-all of all media.' / CBS Sunday Morning / YouTube

In a 1998 interview, Musk boldly said the internet is the 'superset of all media,' and the 'be-all and the end-all of all media.'

When asked about the future of the internet, Musk talked about a world where all media - including TV, print, radio - blends into the internet, creating a central hub.

He called it the 'first two-way communication medium that is intelligent,' letting people choose what to watch and when. And the Tesla CEO thought this would 'revolutionise all traditional media.'

Musk placed his bets that the internet would change our way of life and it has.

The internet is now an online, globalised community connecting you with anyone in a matter of minutes.

Reflecting on his Silicon Valley days with little money and living in an office, Musk talked about investing all of his time into his first company, Zip2.

Now the richest man to come out of 2023, Musk's entrepreneurial and forward-thinking mindset has thrust him to the CEO position of several tech companies.

The Tesla CEO shared his thoughts for the future in a resurfaced / CBS Sunday Morning / YouTube
The Tesla CEO shared his thoughts for the future in a resurfaced / CBS Sunday Morning / YouTube

And the visionary billionaire certainly didn't lose his belief for internet revolution and smart intelligence over the years.

Musk continues to be a vocal advocate for the internet usually over his recently owned social platform X, preaching the success of his many tech companies and ongoing projects.

In more recent years, Musk also talked about solving Earth's ever-growing population problem by moving people to Mars, with the global population expected to reach 8.8 billion by 2100.

Meanwhile, his founded car manufacturing company, Tesla, is pushing the envelope with futuristic Cybertruck vehicles.

Simultaneously, Musk is leading ambitious AI projects, with the Optimus Gen 2 humanoid robot already learning how to poach an egg and squat - albeit not at the same time.

Musk's investments in SpaceX are also coming into play with multiple privatised astronaut missions getting calendar dates. One is predicted this year which will join the many spacecraft missions expected to launch in 2024, joining the likes of NASA.

Featured Image Credit: CBS Sunday Morning / YouTube