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AI said to break down society by gaining our trust before turning humans 'paranoid'

AI said to break down society by gaining our trust before turning humans 'paranoid'

I, Robot doesn't seem like just a movie anymore.

There is ongoing debate on whether the power of AI will result for better or for worse. Experts are divided between its potential to make our lives easier and humanity's demise.

On his podcast 'The Rest is Entertainment,' host Richard Osman labelled the darker side of this technology as 'one of the most dystopian, weird things I’ve ever heard of in my life.'

Daniel Dennett, a prominent AI philosopher, expressed his grave concerns about the risks of developing bots that so closely mimic real people - to the point it's impossible to tell the difference between the real and the fake.

For one, it's becoming the new trend of scams.

Andriy Onufriyenko/Getty
Andriy Onufriyenko/Getty

If you haven't already heard of the new terrifying AI scams that impersonate your loved ones asking for money via WhatsApp voice notes, it's sure to keep you up at night.

Osman’s co-host Marina Hyde criticised Facebook parent company Meta for pushing humanity towards an apocalypse with the latest AI celebrity chatbots.

These bots are being designed to speak like celebrities such as Kendall Jenner, allowing users to be part of endless conversations and group chats with their idols.

The music industry is already feeling the looming pressure of AI. Some artists such as Billie Eilish are calling it 'predatory' for stripping the industry of its creativity and undermining artists, songwriters, musicians and rightsholders alike.

Hyde compared the advanced technology to potentially being more harmful than nuclear weapons.

Andriy Onufriyenko/Getty
Andriy Onufriyenko/Getty

'We’ll be manipulated, we’ll become paranoid, we’ll become ultra sceptical and we won’t even believe true things. Then you become apathetic and terminally unmoved and that is breaking down society,' the female broadcaster said.

'Then anyone can ride roughshod over you. It may start with chatting about make-up in your DMs with Kendall Jenner but it really quickly ends up with very very bad political actors taking control of this country’s economy, freedoms, all sorts of things like that.'

Trying to lighten the discussion back up, Osmon joked: 'Daniel Dennett says this will lead to the end of civilization but Mark Zuckerberg says it’s all about entertainment and it will feel fun and familiar.

'So it’s six of one and half a dozen of the other!'

Featured Image Credit: Andriy Onufriyenko/Getty