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AI has created what Europeans think of Americans from each state - and it might offend you

AI has created what Europeans think of Americans from each state - and it might offend you

Anyone from Alabama, Texas or Florida might want to avert their eyes right now.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the power to create some pretty wild things - that often immediately go viral.

From depicting what the 'perfect' man and woman look like to recreating celebrities as babies which, by the way, makes for a pretty disturbing sight - it's clear we're all very interested in whatever new phenomenon AI throws our way.

Well, it's at it again, this time with a quirky new creation. Brace yourself, because AI's latest venture involves generating images of what Europeans supposedly think Americans from each of the 50 states look like. But - be warned - the images have the potential to, let’s say, ruffle a few feathers.

This isn't the first rodeo for AI in creating some divisive images. We've seen it all - from what the 'average person' looks like for each job to the 'most attractive man' in various countries. Let's just say, people have had some strong feelings about these AI-generated faces.

The models range from somewhat sensible to outright bizarre, especially those from New Mexico and Idaho. A number of the AI creations are also armed with some pretty wild props - think enormous potatoes, a surplus of corn and an overload of seafood - all set against some pretty trippy backdrops. It's safe to say that these images are a full-on sensory assault.

Now, Americans get a glimpse of how Europeans picture them, stereotypes and all. Let's dive into some of these gems, courtesy of the generative AI platform, Midjourney.

Alabamians are unlikely to love their unflattering potrayal.
Dave Stopera/Midjourney

Kicking off the rundown is none other than Alabama - and it's just about as unflattering as you can get, with wild hair, a toothless grin and mucky clothing. This state definitely seems to have pulled the short straw out of the bunch and will no doubt receive some push-back.

California actually looks pretty cool.
Dave Stopera/Midjourney

California, represented by one of the few women in these AI portrayals, is casually holding two takeaway coffees and a cute dog. Decked out in a cool jumper and shades, this one might actually pass the vibe check.

Florida looks like a man on the edge.
Dave Stopera/Midjourney

Then there's Florida - giving a face to the infamous 'Florida Man' meme. He looks jolly enough - but also like he might live up to his wild reputation at any moment.

Why is Mr Idaho clutching such a massive potato?
Dave Stopera/Midjourney

Don't even get us started on Idaho. Picture a guy in a tartan shirt, sitting on a stool, clutching a giant potato. It's a mix of pride, exhaustion and sadness - a real head-scratcher.

This one actually makes us want to book a flight to Hawaii ASAP.
Dave Stopera/Midjourney

Hawaii's depiction is surprisingly chill, like something from an old movie poster or a tourism ad. Two people in Hawaiian shirts, sandals and leis, just enjoying the beach view.

We're not sure we'd want to meet Massachusetts in a dark alley.
Dave Stopera/Midjourney

And Massachusetts? This is a sweaty guy in gym attire and a baseball cap, looking like he's about to lose it. It's intense, to say the least.

Of course, Nevada's all about some Sin City gambling.
Dave Stopera/Midjourney

Nevada's image is a bit on the nose with a grandpa seemingly having a blast amid some Vegas-style chaos.

We only have one response to New Mexico: yikes.
Dave Stopera/Midjourney

New Mexico? It's like a scene from a low-budget sci-fi movie, complete with an army of aliens. We have no words.

Texans won't be particularly happy with all the stereotypes going on in this one.
Dave Stopera/Midjourney

Texas is all stereotypes rolled into one - a gun in one hand, an oversized burger in the other, against a surprisingly serene sunset background.

Well, there you have it. There are clearly no limits to how weird and wonderful AI can be. We dread to think what it will conjure up next...

Featured Image Credit: Dave Stopera/Midjourney