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13-year-old 'wonder kid' is the first human to ‘beat’ Tetris

13-year-old 'wonder kid' is the first human to ‘beat’ Tetris

Instead of playing Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty, this Oklahoma teen has dedicated his time to Tetris.

He might have been born decades after the first Tetris game was released in the 1980s, but a 13-year-old from Oklahoma is being hailed as the first known person to beat the 1988 video game for original Nintendo.

Willis Gibson of Oklahoma is being dubbed a Tetris 'prodigy' after reportedly making gaming history last month.

He reportedly achieved 'True Killscreen' in just 38 minutes - which is where the blocks fall so fast that the game crashes.

Gibson after crashing Tetris during his livestream.
Blue Scuti / YouTube

If you weren't already impressed by that, to put it into perspective - apparently only AI has managed to achieve 'True Killscreen' in the past.

Gibson - who goes by Blue Scuti on YouTube - breezed up to level 157 before crashing the game.

And the teenager has only been playing Tetris for two years - albeit he's apparently practiced between three and five hours a day, so he's definitely been putting in the work.

According to MailOnline, Gibson has competed in several gaming tournaments - placing third in one last October.

But his record-breaking game came while he was playing during a livestream on his YouTube channel.

Over half an hour in, Gibson gasped and said: "I missed it" - but he soon recovers from his mishap.

"Please crash," he added - and soon his wish came true.

Gibson was playing the 1988 Tetris game for original Nintendo.
Chesnot / Contributor / Getty

"Oh my god!" he exclaimed after the game crashed. "I'm going to pass out."

In the YouTube video's description, he wrote: "When I started playing this game I never expected to ever crash the game, or beat it."

So how is Gibson so good at Tetris?

"There’s a little D-pad on the controller that you can press down, and it will go left or right," he told StillWater News Press.

"Instead of manually just tapping each piece every single time, what you do is you hover your finger over the button just barely so it doesn’t cause an input left or right, and then you roll your fingers on the back of the controller. So each finger causes an input."

We've all got a long wait until Grand Theft Auto VI finally releases sometime next year - so maybe it's worth trying a vintage game like this one in the meantime.

Who knows - maybe you'll discover you're actually a prodigy like Gibson.

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/ @bluescuti1771