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Man shows what hackers see when hacking into your webcam

Man shows what hackers see when hacking into your webcam

They can access everything on your computer without you even knowing

Getting your computer hacked is an inconvenience none of us need, and the scary part is just how much the hacker can access when they get into your device.

A man has shared exactly how much they can see and access, and it includes your files, desktop, your keyboard, your speakers and your webcam too.

In a video posted to TikTok, he's shown the full extent of hacker capabilities and it's scary just how much freedom hackers could potentially have if they get into your device.

Watch the video here:

Matthew Linkert, from Canada, posted a clip to his account where he explains how a now defunct programme called Orcus, could enable someone to hack into a computer and pretty much do what they want - including accessing your camera.

Pointing out that it is for 'educational purposes only', Matt says: "This specific programme is called 'Orcus', it's a RAT, which stands for 'Remote Administration Tool', and it's used to access your computer, see all your files, your webcam, your keyboard strokes, everything.

Hackers have been known to use a tool called Orcus to gain access to devices.

"I just ran my programme, and now, I have access to my desktop.

"There's a whole list of s*** you can do to their computer. First I'm gonna show... probably pretty obvious, you can look at their desktop, and look at that, they're watching my stream.

"The next one is key logger, anything I type, anything I do, it all shows up right there.

"Of course, you can look at their webcam, go through all their files without them even realising it, you can gather all of their passwords on their computer, usually from Chrome. And now for the fun s*** - you can send sounds to their computer."

In a later video, Matt points out that you can't actually get Orcus anymore. The programme is no longer available and according to to reports in 2019, a criminal investigation was launched into the people behind it John 'Armada' Revesz and Vincent Leo Griebel.

Hackers can access your entire computer, including your files and your webcam.

At the time, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) concluded that Orcus was not a typical administration tool Griebel and Revesz claimed, but, instead, a Remote Access Trojan (RAT).

In a statement, the CRTC said: "Evidence obtained in the course of the investigation allowed the Chief Compliance and Enforcement Officer (CCEO) to conclude that the Orcus RAT was not the typical administration tool Griebel and Revesz claimed, but was, in fact, a Remote Access Trojan (RAT), a known type of malware."

Featured Image Credit: Matt Linkert