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Important reason why you should never have low power mode on constantly

Important reason why you should never have low power mode on constantly

It could be affecting the longevity of your device.

TikTok is full of useful tech tips that help smartphone users protect their devices and ensure their longevity.

Especially since there's no way to know this stuff unless you encounter a problem and trying to look for a way to fix it.

A main problem with devices is overcharging which damages the battery, but with that aside, some battery settings could be doing more harm than good.

TikToker, known as benobitech, shares some tips on how to preserve the battery of your iPhone 15 Pro.

He starts off his video by stating that Apple users should never keep their devices in low power mode.

Don't keep your phone constantly in low power mode / benobitech/TikTok
Don't keep your phone constantly in low power mode / benobitech/TikTok

Whilst it might seem like a useful option to preserve battery life, it can damage your device over time.

'It may seem like you're preserving battery and it'll last you longer throughout the day, and it might, but it'll definitely damage your battery in the long run,' the TikToker explained.

'The only time you should be using this [low power mode] is when your phone is at 20% [battery] or under and you really, really need it to last the rest of the day.'

The tech expert also shared a couple of other hacks to optimise your Apple device.

He advises users to go to their iPhone settings, tap Battery, go into Battery Health & Charging, and then Charging Optimisation, and finally, select 80% limit.

'This will ensure your battery doesn't charge over 80% which in the long run will preserve your battery.'

The TikToker claimed low power mode could be damaging your phone in the long run / benobitech/TikTok
The TikToker claimed low power mode could be damaging your phone in the long run / benobitech/TikTok

Additionally, if you want your battery to last longer throughout the day, he advises users to activate Optimised Battery Charging.

According to the tech expert: 'It's still pretty good but it won't preserve your battery as well.'

He also recommends to stop charging your phone with a case on. When you charge your phone with a case on, the case traps the heat from charging which can overheat the internal components, damaging your device.

One replied: 'After 4 months of using my battery health is 98% - with optimized battery life jezzz'.

Others aren't so much in agreement of the tip, with one Apple user saying: 'The low battery mode destroyed my last phone.'

Featured Image Credit: benobitech/TikTok

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