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New Tesla app for Apple Watch is blowing people's minds as fans say it's well overdue

New Tesla app for Apple Watch is blowing people's minds as fans say it's well overdue

You can now stay on top of your Tesla with the flick of a wrist

Tesla owners rejoice, as the new Apple Watch companion app has arrived and it's blowing the minds of those who have managed to get it up and running.

Your Apple Watch can be used for a wide variety of tasks, from knowing when you're sick to even saving your life, and of course telling the time on top of all of that.

The gadget also features integration with a number of other daily activities too, letting you pay using Apple Pay, reply to messages, or listen to music without your phone.

Tesla users now have another reason to buy into the Apple ecosystem though, as the new companion app has launched, letting you control your car from the comfort of your wrist.

You're able to open up the trunk (and frunk!), check your car's charging status, view the VIN and firmware version, and, of course, use it as a virtual key, which is just about as much convenience as you would have asked for.

You could already do all of these actions from your phone via the Tesla app, but there's just something about doing it all from a watch that makes you feel more at ease and in control.

Some users on Reddit have expressed concerns about the app though, with one user pointing out: "Probably in the minority here, but I'm unpairing the key from my watch because I know one day I'm going to forget my phone at home because my watch unlocked the car."

First world problems, eh?

Others have also shown frustration that the app is still currently locked to US users only, with many asking when it'll come to EU, Canada, and more.

One smart commenter has been able to get it working in the Netherlands by using a VPN, but that seems a bit too much hassle for what it's worth.

It's certainly something to look out for if you're a keen Tesla driver though, as it's the perfect companion to your every day EV usage.

Tesla users are now amazed with the new Apple Watch app (Stanislav Kogiku/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)
Tesla users are now amazed with the new Apple Watch app (Stanislav Kogiku/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)

Even if you don't see yourself taking advantage of the wide feature set, it's worth it even just for the lovely image of your car on the screen, complete with the name you gave it above.

It's the type of thing that you never know how much you're really going to use it until it's there on your wrist, and soon you couldn't imagine living without the convenience of it.

You have to wonder how far away the ability to virtually drive your car from your wrist is, although if we're going by some stories showing Full Self-Driving malfunctions, that might still be some time yet.

Still, just think how cool it would be to be able to summon your car with a single press of your watch - you'd feel like Batman!

Featured Image Credit: UCG/Contributor / Tesla/App Store