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YouTuber arrested for throwing bucket of poo at train passengers

YouTuber arrested for throwing bucket of poo at train passengers

A revolting 'prank' has turned the course of one YouTuber's life after he was arrested for the foul incident.

The things people do to get internet fame get worse every year. People commit crazy acts and so-called pranks - sometimes at the expense of others.

Thankfully, this one was caught.

Belgian authorities arrested a young YouTuber, known as 'YaNike' for a series of disturbing stunts.

The person, known as 'Y.D.' filmed himself throwing buckets of paint, dog faeces, and food at people in the metro in Brussels, Belgium.

A YouTuber has been arrested for throwing a bucket of poo at a passenger / YaNike/ YouTube
A YouTuber has been arrested for throwing a bucket of poo at a passenger / YaNike/ YouTube

In his latest video, the self-acclaimed prankster can be seen holding a bucket and approaching an unsuspecting male passenger on the train. He then tips the bucket over and pours its contents all over the man before running off the train, leaving the entire carriage in utter shock.

The clips before the disgusting prank show the man mixing the faeces with oil, beer, water, fallen leaves, and paint in a bucket, according to the caption in the video.

According to the local outlets Sudinfo and Politico, complaints were filed against the YouTuber from both the victim and Brussels' transportation operator, Brussels Intercommunal Transport Company (STIB).

The YouTube channel called their videos 'Surprise du chef' which translates to 'chef's surprise', sharing them on social media platforms for increased popularity.

The earliest known complaint against the YouTuber dates back to November, put forward by a victim who had a mixture of dog faeces and oil poured on them in the Brussels suburb of Auderghem.

Police arrested the YouTuber on January 2nd / / YaNike/ YouTube
Police arrested the YouTuber on January 2nd / / YaNike/ YouTube

Thankfully, the individual was taken into custody on January 2 and has admitted to the vile acts. He is being charged with assault and battery, as well as property damage. The prosecutor stated that the incidents can be 'traced in 7 of his 16 videos.'

A statement from the prosecutor’s office spokesperson Yasmina Vanoverschelde said: 'Videos of these events were posted on social networks, with the aim of getting as many ‘likes’ as possible.'

The arrest reflects one of the many trends whereby individuals engage in extreme and hazardous behaviour in pursuit of views and likes on social media.

The individual's actions have been widely condemned for causing a health risk to those targeted, and just downright foul. Viewers are largely in agreement for the YouTuber to be put behind bars, whilst others are hoping for his YouTube channel to be banned for inappropriate content.

One comment said: 'This is not even funny hope you get karma,' whereas another read: 'You dont get any lower in life than this guy.'

Featured Image Credit: YaNike / YouTube