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Warning issued against ‘scariest drug in existence’ which rarely ever gets used more than once

Warning issued against ‘scariest drug in existence’ which rarely ever gets used more than once

Drug researchers are warning the public of a scary drug that can cause permanent, irreversible damage to its users after taking it once.

You've probably heard of the opioid epidemic, a profoundly impactful drug that has altered lives significantly and is considered terrifying. Some argue that the big 'H' is THE drug to stay far away from as users can become addicted just after one use.

There's much debate whether natural or chemically-manufactured drugs have the worst effects on users. Among them, one stands out as potentially the most lethal, with instances of rarely being used more than once.

Drug experts confirm the world's most 'scariest' drug to be disguised an innocent-looking white flower.

Angel's Trumper is expertly claimed to be the world's 'scariest' drug Arterra/Universal Images Group via Getty Images/Getty Stock Image
Angel's Trumper is expertly claimed to be the world's 'scariest' drug Arterra/Universal Images Group via Getty Images/Getty Stock Image

Datura is a hallucinogenic drug that is declared 'unsafe' at any dosage. What's even scarier is the fact that the 'nightmare' drug disguises itself as a pretty flower in people's back gardens.

More commonly known as Angel's Trumpet due to the toxicity and trumpet-shaped flowers, this drug induces severe hallucinations and delirium in users. In addition to many side effects such as fever, vomiting, heart arrhythmias and respiratory depression - to some results of death in lethal doses.

Australia’s National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC)

previously warned it was ‘poisoning young people' requiring them to be 'restrained' and treated with 'powerful sedative drugs.'

Paul Dillon of the NDARC said: 'Datura has a hallucinogenic effect similar to LSD however users that I've talked to have said it was significantly more powerful.'

'Very few people who have used it (Datura), use it more than once.'

With datura being a naturally grown plant, some users believe the effects to not be as potent as some chemically-manufactured drugs.

Dillon argues: 'There seemed to be a perception that natural means that it is safe, although in many instances natural can be more potent.'

Arterra/UniversalDatura is said to cause permanent brain damage in some users / Images Group via Getty Images/Getty Stock Image
Arterra/UniversalDatura is said to cause permanent brain damage in some users / Images Group via Getty Images/Getty Stock Image

The amount of chemicals of datura can also vary in different seeds making it 'impossible to dose accurately.' Dillon claims that Datura doesn't enable a 'measured dose', making overdosing very easy.

According to Dillon, Datura used to grow more prominently in coastal regions. However, drug cases are become much more widespread with the plant now seen growing on the sides of roads, fields, and even in people's gardens.

Moreover, the long-term effects of Datura - even taking it once - have been known to cause permanent, irreversible brain damage with lifelong side effects.

Reddit users have come together to discuss whether Datura is the world's scariest drug.

One user commented that after their brother took Angel's Trumpet twice, his personality was 'permanently altered' whilst another concurred saying their friend never 'full recovered' after taking it once.

Whilst another expressed regret in that they 'wish they never touched it.'

Featured Image Credit: Arterra/Universal Images Group via Getty Images/Getty Stock Image