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Secrets to extraterrestrial life could be hiding in mysterious holes on Mars surface
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Secrets to extraterrestrial life could be hiding in mysterious holes on Mars surface

This could be the answer to human life on Mars.

The mysterious holes on Mars are an exciting discovery that could finally be the solution to extraterrestrial life.

The multiple holes were first found in 2022 and have fascinated scientists who are eager to explore what’s lurking beneath the Martian surface.

The holes are located in the Tharsis region of the planet, which is home to some of the biggest volcanoes in the solar system.

The holes on Mars could be the answer to extraterrestrial life (NASA/JPL-Caltech/UArizona)
The holes on Mars could be the answer to extraterrestrial life (NASA/JPL-Caltech/UArizona)

The pits are likely lava tubes that have caved in, creating a large hole in the ground. Earth has similar tubes in Hawaii and - if they’re anything like the ones here - they could be the ideal spot for astronauts to stay on Mars.

It’s still unclear how deep the holes go or where they lead, but that is something scientists hope to find out in a bid to discover more secrets of the Red Planet.

They were first snapped on a HiRISE camera two years ago but were recently included on the University of Arizona HiRISE's Picture of the Day.

These spots could be one of the best places to search for evidence of life on Mars as they might be offering a warm sanctuary to potential inhabitants.

Scientists hope the craters could be a way to colonize the Red Planet (SCIEPRO/Getty)
Scientists hope the craters could be a way to colonize the Red Planet (SCIEPRO/Getty)

Right now, the only insight scientists can get is from orbiting cameras so the best way to find out more would be for a rover to physically investigate the lava tubes.

There could be a way for astronauts to colonize the tunnels and use them as a network for civilization away from Earth.

The real challenge is determining for sure what the holes actually are, let alone what might be in them.

Looking at one when the Sun’s light is obscuring it can make it seem like a bottomless pit, but during another time of day, the floor can be visible just a dozen meters from the top of the crater.

Scientists hope a rover or probe might be able to discover what's lurking inside the holes (NASA via Getty Images)
Scientists hope a rover or probe might be able to discover what's lurking inside the holes (NASA via Getty Images)

This means we might be seeing more robots and probes on Mars mapping out these holes before scientists figure out how and if we could get a crew to fly safely out to our neighboring planet.

While this might be a long way off yet, the good news is that we’ve also spotted similar caves and pits on the Moon, where we’re likely to get a base onto much sooner than Mars.

Still, the discovery of these mysterious holes on the Martian surface is an exciting new development that could lead us to the future of setting up human life away from Earth.

Featured Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UArizona/SCIEPRO via Getty