A fascinating video shows us how the Earth is going to look 250 million years in the future, according to plate tectonics.
The clip resurfaced on Reddit and has got everyone on social media commenting on how different the world will look millions of years from now.
The video was originally posted to the Insider Tech YouTube channel and shows the future of our world according to plate tectonic theory.
The theory is that the Earth’s outer shell is divided up into multiple plates that slowly glide over the planet’s mantle.
This results in changes being made slowly to the Earth’s surface over time, including the merging or separating of continents.
The simulation shows how Europe, Asia and Africa will slowly merge together in the next few million years.
By around 70 million years, Australia also merges into the new mega continent.
Then, at the 125 million year mark, Antarctica drifts north, becoming wedged with Africa.
South America seems to get off lightly, remaining pretty much the same while the rest of the land on earth morphs together.

But after 225 million years, the continent crosses the Atlantic Ocean with North America and collides with the supercontinent.
By 250 million years, the formation of the new world map is complete.
The video left viewers fascinated after one user posted it to Reddit.
Taking to the comment section to share their thoughts, one person joked that “Antarctica is on your travel bucket list just wait” while another said that they should “probably put my house up for sale now”.
Another user commented: “As a South American at about 200m years I was like, ‘hell yea, our own private continent’, then the rest of the video ruined my day.”

One person wrote, “RIP Mediterranean…” prompting another to reply with “yeah, that's really gonna be a bummer for any new civilizations that were planning on sprouting up over there 250 million years from now. Not to mention the beaches were pretty nice”.
Others complained that in the future, “transatlantic flights are going to be a b****” while another said that “Uber drivers will be so confused!”.
Over in the YouTube comment section, one person wrote: “So you're telling me the Pacific Ocean will become even more terrifying in the future?”
While another added: “Can we all take a minute to thank the cameraman for waiting 250 million years to show us this masterpiece!”