There are over 8 billion people in the world.
8,095,610,807 at this millisecond in time according to Worldometer.
But have you ever imagined what that actually looks like? Like, how do you imagine 8 billion people all at the same place at one time?
Well, one person has helped us out and showcased what our population zoomed out looks like.
The video posted by MetaBallStudios (MBS) showcases an animation of 8 billion people. Can you spot yourself?

A panning camera zooms over the crowds and crowds of people, as the roars can be heard, something similar to what you'd hear at a football game or festival.
After two minutes of panning across the enormous crowd, you get a sense of the scale: the world's population stretches out over 82 km by 29 km as the video displays.
And there you have it, the entire Earth's population arranged itself into one gigantic square.
The animated video - titled 8 BILLION people in perspective | 3D - has accumulated over 1.3 million views since it was posted.
Some users found humour in the situation with one saying: 'When you lose your friend in a music festival,' and another said: 'I’m glad everyone was able to get together for this video before the virus.'
Others found the animation a bit more chilling: 'omg this is legit terrifying'.
Someone else wrote: 'Imagine if everyone paid $20 to be there. That's how much money Jeff Bezos has.'

Still, many were impressed by the realistic representation of the world's population, saying things like: 'I always wondered what it would look like if every human being on the planet were shoulder to shoulder.'
According to the United Nations, we hit the 8 billion mark on November 15, 2022, marking it the Day of Eight Billion.
The last 300 years of humanity have seen an extraordinary increase with a growth of 7 billion people and 6 billion in just the last century.
By 2050, Nigeria is expected to become the world’s third most populous nation with 454 million, trailing behind India and China, followed by the United States, Pakistan, Indonesia, and Brazil.
The UN predicts that the world's population will reach the big 10 billion in 2057.
For now, we'll just have to patiently wait for the 10 billion edition of the animation.