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Everyone is saying the same thing after seeing photo of security robot at outdoor mall

Everyone is saying the same thing after seeing photo of security robot at outdoor mall

TV show fans are all saying the same thing after they've seen a photo on Reddit shows a security bot patrolling an outdoor mall.

The world's looking pretty futuristic when Cybertrucks take over the roads and security guards come in the form of robots rather than largely built people.

One photo has surfaced one the web which shows a creepy Robocop-looking robot at an outdoor mall in Cleveland, Ohio.

If you're ever caught shoplifting here, it might not be a human on legs chasing you, but more like a bleeping robot.

Redditors have been quick to comment 'Exterminate' / No_Struggle_4618 / reddit
Redditors have been quick to comment 'Exterminate' / No_Struggle_4618 / reddit

The security robot has fans all saying the same thing, 'Exterminate'.

Resembling the menacing Dalek from Doctor Who, some fans have poked humour at the situation saying things like '[dalek] copyright infringement right there' and 'the engineer has definitely watched too much Dr. Who.'

Furthermore, some Redditors have admitted to tuning into the forum just to 'read the comments to see how many “exterminate” posts there are.'

People love the Doctor Who references so much so that they're questioning 'Why has no one duct-taped a plunger and a whisk to the sides?'

Whilst he may resemble the fictional bot, his name is much less threatening, going by the name of Secret Agent Man - or SAM.

According to local newspapers, SAM monitors shoppers in Crocker Park, enforcing 24-hour monitoring.

Pedestrians can request help at the press of a button... though what gadgets will come out of the bot to assist are unknown.

The Robocop bot aims to keep shoppers at Crocker Park safe with 24-hour monitoring and access to help with the press of a button.

SAM patrols as security at Crocker Park / Steve Heap / Getty
SAM patrols as security at Crocker Park / Steve Heap / Getty

And Sam comes packed with plenty of features, with his 'first-of-its-kind technology' including cameras, thermal imaging, and a license plate reader.

Shoppers can find a security button on top of SAM in which a real person will be contacted and sent.

Crocker Park spokesperson Stacie Schmidt spoke about SAM's addition to the Park's current security situation: 'We were really excited to bring him to our mixed-use property as Crocker Park's over 12 city blocks wide.

'And I think we have 15 security guards on-site, but you can always use a watchful eye. And SAM has four eyes instead of two.'

Schmidt reassures the public that SAM poses no threat, contrary to some comments: 'If you step in front of him, he stops. He's not going to run anyone over. He's not going to hit a car. He's not armed. He's just here to keep a watchful eye.'

Have no fear when Sam is patrolling the streets, unless it really is a Dalek.

Featured Image Credit: No_Struggle_4618 / reddit / Steve Heap / Getty