Blind mystic Baba Vanga has predictions for 2025 and they are her most concerning ones yet.
The Bulgarian psychic is well known for her ability to predict the future and over the years, she has correctly foreseen some major events.
Her followers claim that she predicted events such as 9/11, Princess Diana’s death and even the presidential election win for Barack Obama.
While Baba Vanga died in 1996, she made a lot of predictions far into the future before her death and now we can take a look at what she believed we’ve got in store for 2025.
Fair warning - some of it is pretty bleak.
For starters, she believed that a war is due to break out in Europe next year.
Of course, there’s already an ongoing war happening in Europe but according to Baba Vanga, this new conflict will be large enough to ‘devastate’ the population.
The mystic also reckons that 2025 is the year that aliens will finally make an appearance on Earth.
Talking of sport, Baba Vanga made sure to throw her support behind Britain's own Lewis Hamilton.
Quite how this prediction came about - with Hamilton being about 11 when Baba Vanga died and obviously not a big name on the F1 circuit - remains to be seen, but the Ferrari driver will apparently win his eighth title in 2025. That will see him overtake the legendary Michael Schumacher.
And that’s not all as apparently human telepathy might soon become possible.
So, if you like keeping your thoughts to yourself, well, that will be a thing of the past next year, according to Baba Vanga.
The psychic has always been an advocate of mind reading and she believes telepathy will become a very real thing in 2025.
Baba Vanga has also predicted that next year could be the start of human organs being grown in labs.
This wouldn't be the first time in which the psychic has weighed in on the prospect of growing humans in labs, with 2025 specifically becoming the year we see organs being grown in-house.
Unlike the other predictions of mostly doom and gloom, this would actually be a major breakthrough in human science and extend the life expectancy of many.
Ending on another positive prediction, 2025 will apparently see us discover a new form of energy.
Naturally, Baba Vanga didn't provide us with any further details - looks like we'll have to wait until next year for more information.