Just when you think you’ve seen it all, archaeologists discover something else to blow our minds.
Back in mid-2023, German archaeologists made the discovery of their lives when they unearthed a 3,000-year-old sword that was preserved so well that they couldn’t believe their eyes.
Despite its supposed age, the sword had been incredibly preserved, to the point where Bavaria’s State Office for Monument Protection said it “almost still shines”.
Experts have said that the level of detail of the bronze hilt cast over the blade showed a level of intricacy that few smiths would have been able to achieve at that time.
The technique used to create such a weapon has reportedly been found to have only come from two regions, demonstrating just how rare this piece is.
The bright green colour of aged bronze shows its age, but the blade itself is incredibly clean and clear. The images released show it only partially unearthed as archaeologists tried to extract the sword as delicately as possible to avoid any damage.
Another incredible discovery was that the sword didn’t have any nicks or damage, meaning that it was unlikely to have been used in any actual battles. Having said this, experts also say that it is unlikely to be a ceremonial or display sword either.

Newsweek’s Jess Thomson said experts told her "its center of gravity made it suitable for use as a real weapon, and it was capable of being used to slash opponents".
In terms of its actual age, researchers have indicated that the blade likely dates back to the 14th century B.C.E. Making its condition even more extraordinary.
The blade wasn’t found on its own, it was instead found in a grave site along with a range of other artefacts and the skeletons of three people — a man, woman and child — though it’s difficult to say whether they were related or not.
Finds like this sword have been made even more difficult over the years due to the amount of grave looting that has happened across much of Europe. That includes robbing over the centuries past, not just in recent times.

It’s an unbelievable find for regular civilians with untrained eyes and no archaeological knowledge, neverminded how amazed the experts must have been.
It’s a brilliant reminder of just how much history there is out there waiting to be uncovered, whether it’s from Earth, the ocean or of course, outer space.