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Xbox Series X/S gamers can finally install major fix to their consoles

Xbox Series X/S gamers can finally install major fix to their consoles

Xbox gaming fans are now able to install a bugfix patch that prevents the loss of saved game data.

Nothing is more disheartening than spending hours on a game only to lose all saved progress, whether you put your time into lengthy campaigns or grinding your way up the ranks.

This may sound all too familiar to Xbox users engrossed in Larian Studios' latest creation, Baldur's Gate 3.

Xbox players have been facing issues with their save files in BG3 since the game's console release at the end of last year. It wasn't long until reports started pouring in showing that players' hard-earned progress was being lost due to crashes.

Not to mention, it's put off a lot of gamers from playing the RPG in fear of losing their progress.

Well, Xbox fans of BG3 can finally breathe a sigh of relief as the long awaited solution has arrived.

Xbox users will finally receive a patch that stops them from losing saved data / Future Publishing / Contributor / Getty
Xbox users will finally receive a patch that stops them from losing saved data / Future Publishing / Contributor / Getty

Xbox posted on X a couple of days ago that they released a patch. The official announcement read: 'An Xbox System Update will be rolling out from today to address the Save Game issue on Baldur's Gate 3.'

Fans have been posting their delight on Reddit in response to the patch. One comment read: 'Good, hopefully more people play this masterpiece now. I haven’t been able to put it down, even after losing saves in the past.'

Another Reddit user replied: 'I am happy for people that held off. I lost saves twice. The first 30 hours in at the end of act 1 and the second right at the end of the damn game. Like, right before the final battle. I won’t be playing again for a long while.'

Michael Douse of Larian Studios tweeted: 'Save issue on Xbox should finally be over. Download the update when it goes live and please do let me know how you get on!'

Xbox officially announced the new bug-fix patch on X / Future Publishing / Contributor / Getty
Xbox officially announced the new bug-fix patch on X / Future Publishing / Contributor / Getty

Since the patch announcement, Xbox players can play without fear of progress loss so long as they download the new update.

Reportedly, all Xbox Series X/S players should automatically receive the update within the next week. Although, if some eager players want the update sooner, they can do so manually in the console's Settings menu.

In no time at all, fans of the Forgotten Realm can get back to slaying the beasts, demons, and devils.

Though, it seems save corruption isn't the only problem Xbox is facing with the RPG game. Numerous bans have been handed out to players for unknowingly uploading clips of in-game nudity and explicit scenes to Microsoft servers.

Featured Image Credit: Future Publishing / Contributor / Getty