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Important reason why your iPhone only charges to 80%
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Important reason why your iPhone only charges to 80%

There's an easy way around the feature if you don't like it.

If you're wondering why your iPhone's battery charge gets stuck at 80%, this video might help you out.

The in-depth Apple explanation video - Apple Explained - details the reason why you always find your iPhone's battery maxed out at 80% - despite charging it overnight.

If you notice your phone always ending up at 80% charge, chances are it likely has a 'battery protection feature enabled.'

You can turn this feature off by going into your iPhone settings.

iPhones have a feature that caps their battery charging capacity at 80% / @AppleExplained/YouTube
iPhones have a feature that caps their battery charging capacity at 80% / @AppleExplained/YouTube

Tap Battery, then select Battery Health & Charging, and then tap Charging Optimisation.

Here, you'll see that the setting will either be at Optimised Battery Charging, 80%, or None.

If the setting of 80% is turned on, your iPhone will 'pause at 80% charging level until you're likely to begin using it again,' according to the Apple expert video.

'Your iPhone will try to learn your daily charge routine and finish charging the battery past 80% right before you're scheduled to take it off the charger.'

This feature was added to extend the battery's limited lifespan but, in the end, annoyed users who wanted their phone fully charged as quickly as possible.

If like many other users, this feature annoys you, you can simply turn it off in the Charging Optimisation setting and select 'None'.

Additionally, the iPhone 15 models have a built-in default setting for an 80% charging limit. However, like other iPhones, this can also be turned off.

Apple users can turn off this feature in their iPhone settings / @AppleExplained/YouTube
Apple users can turn off this feature in their iPhone settings / @AppleExplained/YouTube

Apple Explained recommends that if you can use 80% battery charge and it will last you the whole day, this would be better in the long term for the longevity of your phone's battery.

Alternatively, if you leave your phone to change and it hits a random number every time, this could be down to the way you are charging it.

The YouTube video explained: 'If your iPhone overheats, it can not only slow down performance and reduce screen brightness, but it can also stop charging completely in an attempt to cool down the device.'

According to Apple Explained: 'If you've left your iPhone charging in direct sunlight or under a pillow where air can't circulate, it may overheat and pause charging.'

If you see this happening on your device, best best is to keep it away from anywhere that can trap in heat. Furthermore, make sure to take off your phone case when charging your iPhone to avoid further heat-trapping.

'This is even more likely to happen if you're charging wirelessly since it generates more heat than a traditional cable,' the video added.

Featured Image Credit: @AppleExplained/YouTube