One of the most anticipated features of the Tesla Cybertruck was its Basecamp tent.
However, not long after the vehicle's release, customers were disappointed, to say the least, in what was a $3000 feature that looked more like a basic tarp extension.
Although the add-ons were shipped, customers couldn't purchase them until early last month.
'A weather-resistant outer shell with an extendable awning offers added protection,' as described by Tesla, seemingly an over-exaggeration of what owners actually received.

Originally unveiled in 2019, the add-on matched the shape of the Tesla pick-up truck in a uniquely attached way.
However, the actual product delivered looked just like an ordinary tent, accommodating a maximum of two people.
'The fully collapsible, self-contained pack is mounted above the truck bed but below the tonneau cover, conserving bed storage space and range while on the road. engage tent mode on your vehicle's touchscreen for an enhanced camping experience,' Tesla states on its website.
As much as it sounds like it can be done in a few simple steps, the actual process is much more complicated.
To install the product, the buyer needs to visit a Tesla Service Center and have a professional attach the tent brackets to the Cybertruck's side rails.
Then, a time-consuming manual pump will inflate the tent.
According to the electric car manufacturer, the Basecamp bundle includes:

- Tent assembly
- Awning
- Awning poles
- Air pump
- L-track brackets
- Accessories (stakes and repair kit)
The tent is also supposed to have an auto levelling feature, called 'Tent Mode'. This model levels out the Cybertruck so the driver doesn't feel like they're sliding if the car is parked on a slant.
However, one Cybertruck owner reported that the lack of 'Tent Mode' feature is 'a bit of a red flag because the rumored self-levelling element is a pretty big deal for roof-top-tent camping.
He added: 'Briefly laying on the sleeping mat while parked in my gently sloped driveway I could feel myself rolling downhill.'
Despite the love he has for the Tesla vehicle, he said: 'The jury is still out on the Basecamp because I'm not yet convinced that the brilliant elements outweigh the areas that need improvement.'
$3,000 is a lot of money but worth it if you want to invest in some serious camping gear and a decent tent. However, whether this vehicle add-on will meet your expectations for the same price is up for debate!