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Orthopaedic surgeon reveals how to prevent eye soreness from too much screen time

Orthopaedic surgeon reveals how to prevent eye soreness from too much screen time

These simple exercises help if you look at digital screens for long amounts of time.

We're all guilty of too much screen time. But, it dries out our eyes and can lead to eye soreness and future eye health issues.

One medical doctor has shared on TikTok how to prevent eye soreness from too much screen time.

In the video, Dr. Levi Harrison suggests a few eye exercises you can do to relieve your eyes of digital strain.

First, you need to make sure you're seated with your back straight and 'posture corrected.' Then, look up and down, and side-to-side, about ten times each while remaining seated.

A few simple exercises can help relieve your eyes of soreness / drleviharrison/TikTok/
A few simple exercises can help relieve your eyes of soreness / drleviharrison/TikTok/

Next, roll your eyes around clockwise and counter-clockwise for another set of ten rotations in each direction.

Dr. Harrison also recommends squeezing your eyes really tightly for five to ten seconds, do this twice.

He claims these 'really simple exercises will help minimise the pain that you have in your eyes, especially if you do an extreme amount of screen time throughout the day.'

'Use this to get better, feel better, and have happy, healthy eyes.'

Some viewers are praising the results of the exercises, one exclaimed: 'damn, it worked!'

Another commented: 'Man the pain went away so quickly. Thank you.'

Others are shocked at its effectiveness for eye pain, saying: 'why did it actually work.'

Computer Vision Syndrome is the name given to eye problems caused by extended periods of looking at a computer screen. Symptoms usually involve eye irritation (dry eyes, itchy eyes), blurred vision, and headaches.

Make sure to take regular breaks away from the screen if you spend lots of time behind it /RapidEye/Getty Images
Make sure to take regular breaks away from the screen if you spend lots of time behind it /RapidEye/Getty Images

Studies have shown that between 50% and 90% of people who work behind a computer screen experience at least some symptoms.

Known also as an 'E-gamer surgeon', Harrison uses his TikTok platform to share tips and advice to overcome certain pains and stiffness associated with gaming and tech use. He mainly focuses on injuries from gamers and tech users, such as hand numbness, tech neck, 'pain from typing' as well as 'finger exercises for gamers.'

If you are one of the people who spend a lot of time looking at screens, remember to take regular breaks and follow the 20-20-20 rule. Look away from the screen every 20 minutes and look at something around 20 feet away for about 20 seconds.

Also, if you're curious as to what happens if you go six days without blinking, make sure to check this out.

Featured Image Credit: drleviharrison/TikTok/RapidEye/Getty Images