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People can’t get enough of ‘satisfying’ video showing drone removing ice from power lines

People can’t get enough of ‘satisfying’ video showing drone removing ice from power lines

You probably shouldn't try this at home.

People undeniably enjoy watching satisfying videos, whether it's hydraulic presses, pressure washers, or food cutting.

Someone appears to have a rather intriguing job of piloting a drone to clear ice from power lines, as shown in one recently shared clip on Reddit.

The video shows a drone with a hanging metal bar that flies over ice-covered power lines. The handy drone then flies to the ice-covered power lines and simply knocks them with the hanging metal bar, causing the ice to scatter below.

The hanging metal bar from the drone is used to bang the ice off the power lines / bumjiggy  /Reddit
The hanging metal bar from the drone is used to bang the ice off the power lines / bumjiggy /Reddit

Viewers can't get enough of the satisfying video.

One comment read: 'Drones must be one of the most useful inventions of this century; it's incredible how many practical applications they have. Besides, for personal use, they are really funny'.

Another exclaimed: 'Ugggghhhh that’s so satisfying!'

Whilst another comment made the valid point that it's 'much better than driving out and hitting it with a long stick.'

Some Reddit users are questioning how workers managed to do the job before drones were introduced.

One viewer explained that the drone is being used to remove the ice buildup before the 'cable, supporting hardware, or towers fail.'

Typically, the conductors are warm enough to prevent ice buildup, however, sometimes the weather is so cold, the power lines can't produce enough heat to melt it.

Other users are impressed that the cable seems unaffected after the large bump.

Reddit users can't get enough of the satisfying video / bumjiggy  /Reddit
Reddit users can't get enough of the satisfying video / bumjiggy /Reddit

On Manitoba Hydro's website, a hydroelectric company, explains the importance of removing ice buildup on power lines, reading: 'Ice can weigh down the lines and bring them closer to the ground, which is a safety hazard and can potentially strain or break the poles the lines are on.

'In high winds, ice can also form into a wing shape, which can cause the lines to “gallop” like a large, electrically charged skipping rope.

'Galloping lines cause stress on the poles, but also present the risk of the lines touching, shorting, and burning down.'

Drones are being recognised as a safer and more cost-effective alternative in certain tasks like these that come with many risks.

By using this technology, dangerous jobs like inspections at heights, which would usually involve climbing equipment and putting individuals in harm's way, can be completed safely and remotely - as long as you stand a good distance away.

Furthermore, drones are increasingly being used in other fields as an easier and more environmentally friendly option to jobs like deliveries.

Featured Image Credit: bumjiggy/Reddit