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Amazon customer baffled after delivery driver tosses package into tree

Amazon customer baffled after delivery driver tosses package into tree

The delivery driver seemed to be trying to 'hide' the parcel from potential thieves.

If you live in a big city, porch pirates are a real issue.

In case you haven't had the misfortune of running into this phenomenon, that's when a parcel is dropped on your doorstep if you're out - only to be nicked by anyone walking by.

It can be hugely frustrating, so couriers might try to 'hide' your parcels as best they can if you're out.

And that's exactly what happened to TikTok user @__greensilk.

In a video that's clocked up over 6,000 likes on TikTok, it opens with the Amazon driver's message: "Your Amazon delivery has been completed. I apologize for the placement of the package. I was trying to toss it far in haha. Happy New Year!"

So where did the driver put the parcel?

That would be right at the top of a tree outside the TikToker's house - they're then seen jumping to try retrieve it, and quipped in the caption: "Chicago isn't real."

Yep, the driver thought the best idea would be to chuck the parcel on top of a nearby tree - and maybe their bold decision paid off, because at least the package was safely retrieved by the TikToker.

We're surprised the TikToker managed to see the parcel, TBH.

The unusual move is dividing people in the comment section - some people can't believe their eyes ("Nah - they gotta send me a new one") while others rate it a bit more highly: "Maybe so they don't steal it??" one wrote, while another said: "He's just making sure the porch pirates don't steal it, honestly love him for this."

The main issue people have? The fact that the driver didn't indicate where he'd put the parcel.

"I woulda missed the package completely," one person commented, and the original poster replied: "Oh I did initially... If it was summer, I would have never found it."

Ultimately, the TikToker isn't too bothered by the delivery method and wrote in the comments: "They were so nice about it, package wasn't damaged, just a funny situation tbh."

The parcel had a somewhat unusual resting place.
NurPhoto / Contributor / Getty

And everyone really is seeing the humor in the whole situation, with someone writing: "I've been laughing about this all day sorry," and a second joking: "Packages really do grow on trees."

This isn't the only unorthodox place parcels have been left. In the past, people have reported packages left on the top of tall hedges, inside wheelie bins and even thrown into a neighbor's pond.

Amazon has been contacted for comment.

Featured Image Credit: @__greensilk/TikTok