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Google Maps sleuths think they’ve discovered a huge mysterious door in Antarctica

Google Maps sleuths think they’ve discovered a huge mysterious door in Antarctica

Who knows what could lie behind...

Antarctica is more than just a vast, snowy desert.

It’s also a hotbed for conspiracy theories that fascinate both theorists and curious folks alike.

Sadly with the ongoing effects of climate change and human activity, a 'One-In-A-2000-Year Event' is happening, and it might take at least 20 years for things to return to normal.

This means we could lose a lot of history and mysterious sights which are hidden in the expansive frozen wastes.

One of these anomalies was discovered by a Reddit user with the power of Google Maps.

The user realg00n shared two images with a conspiracy theory community on Reddit.

Both images were screenshots from Google Maps' satellite imagery and showed what looks like a large peculiar shape sticking out of the snow.

The first image gives a wider view of the object near some rocky terrain, while the second zooms in for a closer look.

It does look pretty questionable with some viewers wondering if it's a 'massive door.'

Where it could lead, who knows, but the comments on the thread are full of people theorising what it is.

Some even pointed out that this structure is close to a Japanese research base called Showa Station.

"I just love the mystery of Antarctica, wish we know more," on user commented.

"I bet it's a clone reptile base," another estimated.

However, further down in the comments, someone offered a more straightforward take that might actually hit the nail on the head.

Hongjie Han/Getty
Hongjie Han/Getty

One user who seemed pretty familiar with the area explained: "No, it's flat on the ground. It's part of a glacier poking through the ice below. It's pretty obvious."

When the original poster challenged this verdict, saying: "That still looks like a door to me," another user was quick to shut it down.

The commenter replied: "That's because you're using bias to see what you want to see. Next door there are LOADS of these 'structures' that are actually ice and rock. Also, if that's a door... It's 93 meters tall... And flat on the ground facing towards the sky… But you know, you believe whatever you want to believe…"

So, while you might still look at the original image and wonder what it really is, it’s tough not to conclude that it’s just ice from a funky angle.

Unfortunately, it may not be proof of some big international conspiracy hiding secret bases in Antarctica - as far as we know.

Featured Image Credit: Hongjie Han/Getty / Google Maps