Games based on horror movies are certainly no new thing, but you might want to fix your eyes on an upcoming title that's adapted from a film so terrifying that audience members were left vomiting in the cinema.
From Friday the 13th to Nightmare on Elm Street, there have been many an iconic horror villain that has shook audiences to the core, but one recent series has quickly risen up the ranks when it comes to how horrified audiences have been.
The Terrifier franchise, beginning in 2016 and releasing two subsequently grim films afterwards, stars Art the Clown at the center who will activate coulrophobia in anyone even if they thought that they didn't have it.

It's a series known not only for its scares but also its gruesome violence, leading to incidents, as reported by Yahoo, where audience members have vomited and fainted in response to what they're seeing on screen.
You'll be glad to know then that Art is making his way into the world of gaming - but it's in a format that you might not expect.
Terrifier: The ARTcade Game takes Art's iconic visage and plunges into a devilishly violent arcade-style beat-'em-up akin to classics like Streets of Rage, letting you take the reigns and inflict as much bloody chaos as you wish.
It's a retro-inspired experience that allows you to join up with three other friends for four-player co-op action, taking on a number of side-scrolling locations with obvious references to the franchise abound.
The social media response has been largely that of excitement, with many in awe at how quickly Art has joined the likes of Michael Myers, Leatherface, and Pinhead in the pantheon of iconic horror villains.
"Damn Art the Clown is getting huge, even getting a video game now," says one user on YouTube, "Real horror icon."
Others have pointed out the game's eerie similarities to Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game, as that also adapted another form of media into a side-scrolling beat-'em-up: "We have Scott Pilgrim at home," whereas another adds "why does it look like a skin for the Scott Pilgrim game?"
Finally, many are even lamenting on the perceived missed opportunity of getting Art as a playable character in other games, namely Behavior Interactive's Dead by Daylight which already has many of the iconic names previously mentioned.
"Praying for him in Dead by Daylight next" appears to be the general sentiment, while some others have suggested that he'd make a great addition to a Mortal Kombat game too - although I think Art's fatalities might be too brutal even for an MK game!